WePower’s ticker symbol is WPR. WPR tokens will represent units of future energy production which you pre-order when you purchase the WPR tokens. WePower will then use the capital raised from tokens sale to fund the construction of new energy power plants. The sources of power will be hydro, tidal, solar and wind. A token holder will be able to redeem tokens for the power which the power plants produce. Holders of the tokens can alternatively trade their tokens on the open market.
The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was completed on Feb. 15th having run for two weeks. The hard capital for the token was $35 million while soft capital was $5 million. The ICO price for the token was 1 ETH for 4000 WPR and the minimum investment was $200. Ethereum was the accepted currency. The total supply which is slightly above 745 WPR million was based on the following fundraising targets;

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