On these days most of the people are looking for convert their earnings to cash and also there are a lot of spending related to the holiday season, so, during this time we need ease to manage that yearly earning, and cryptocurrencies don’t give us an effective management for everyday transactions or for those we have to make in a very short time, that reason could lead to cryptocurrencies market to speculation related to the investments, and some investors are looking for convert to cash gains that they could get for buying-selling transactions.
With all the possibilities that cryptocurrencies can offer, some suspicious investors with a big amount of virtual currencies may try to inflate the value of those coins for their own benefit, selling and re-selling constantly on small margins. A report in Bloomberg released few days ago indicates that only 1000 investors own 40% of Bitcoin, which is a clear sign that a possible inflation of the mentioned cryptocurrency could be really high, and a crash price scenario is favorable for those investors that are looking for selling Bitcoins with high value and then buying with a convenient low value.

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